Hispanic leadership network intranet

Dr. Francisco Colop



Austin, Texas
Mobile: (512) 227-0057
Email Address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Dr. Francisco Colop has been a Senior Pastor for over 49 years. Born in Guatemala, he is an ordained minister with the Assemblies of God. Dr. Colop is an adjunct professor for Latin American Bible College and a conference speaker.  His bi-cultural background and focus on community collaboration has led him to serve in a number of local, state and national programs and organizations. Dr. Colop’s great passion is working with people, particularly with pastors and faith-based leaders empowering them in their journey in God’s kingdom through mentoring and coaching. Dr. Colop serves as a lead Pastor at El Buen Pastor in Austin, Texas. He also served many years as Director for the U.S. Hispanic Ministries for International Bible Society. Previously, he served as Executive Director for A.M.E.N. (National Evangelical Ministries Alliance). Dr. Colop’s educational background includes a Bachelor’s Degree from Rio Grande Bible College, MDiv, from Princeton Theological Seminary and PhD from Fuller Theological Seminary. Dr. Colop’s great passion is working with people, particularly coaching, mentoring, and building the capacities pastors and faith-based leaders in their life journey. Dr. Colop is married more than 30 years to his wife Betty, and has a son, daughter, and two grandchildren. 

About Us

Hispanic Access Foundation improves the lives of Hispanics in the United States and promotes civic engagement by educating, motivating and helping them access trustworthy support systems.

Phone: (202) 640-4342

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



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