Hispanic leadership network intranet

Leading in a Way Others Will Follow / Liderando de manera que otros te sigan

August 27, 2024 07:00 pm - 08:00 pm EST
August 27, 2024 04:00 pm - 05:00 pm PST

Presented by Jose Saavedra

Christian leadership develops in a functional and organizational setting. The leader begins by working with things and projects, but as his development progresses he will lead people. For this reason, leadership faces training processes in “being” and in “doing”. Character, values, virtues, such as skills and abilities in order to exercise leadership and carry out their tasks are necessary. The Leader that others will follow, must have an integral and strategic development.

El liderazgo cristiano se desarrolla en un ámbito funcional y organizacional. Comienza el líder trabajando con cosas y proyectos, pero como avanza en su desarrollo liderizara personas. Por ello el liderazgo enfrenta procesos formativos en el “ser” y en el “hacer”. Carácter, valores, virtudes, como capacidades y habilidades para ejercer el liderazgo y desarrollar sus tareas son necesarias. El Líder que otro seguirán, debe tener un desarrollo integral y estratégico.

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Hispanic Access Foundation improves the lives of Hispanics in the United States and promotes civic engagement by educating, motivating and helping them access trustworthy support systems.

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